The Confirm and Reconfirm emails can be found on the Manage/Subscribe Options page under Confirmed Opt-In.
To edit either email select the Edit Confirm Email or Edit Reconfirm Email links.
Note: To minimize the chance these emails are marked as spam, graphics and hyperlinks cannot be added to the content.
Both these emails consist of 3 sections: Email Sender, Email Footer & Content.
The Email Sender & Footer are both pre-populated with the data found on the Manage/Defaults page. If you have not setup this data, please do it now and navigate back to this section when it is complete.
Email Sender
The email sender defaults to the same information used on the Manage/Defaults page. If you'd like to change the information unselect the Use Default Email Settings option, found at the top left of the page, then modify the value(s) you'd like to change.
Sample Email Sender data
Email Footer
The email footer defaults to the same information used on the Manage/Defaults page. If you'd like to change the information unselect the Use Default Email Settings option, found at the top left of the page, then modify the value(s) you'd like to change.
Sample Email Footer data
Default content is provided in both emails and meet general needs. Although, you may modify the message as long as you adhere to CASL requirements. The requirements can be found at the end of this article.
- Confirm email content is sent to new contacts/subscribers only. Enabling the Confirmed Opt-In feature is all you must do to start sending the Confirm email to new contacts/subscribers.
Image of default Confirm email content
- Reconfirm email content is sent to existing contacts/subscribers. It provides you a method to re-ask for their explicit consent to send them future emails. This is especially important to those who operate in Canada, since they must adhere to the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL). The default content is sufficient and adheres to CASL requirements. Although, you may modify the message as long as you continue to adhere to CASL requirements. The requirements can be found at the end of this article.
The Confirmed Opt-In feature must be enabled to utilize the Reconfirm email. You must also select the contacts/subscribers to send this email. For details on how to select and send a Reconfirm email to current contacts/subscribers, please review the Feature Overview - Reconfirm Email Process found in this article: How to Enable Confirmed Opt-In and its Benefits
Image of default Reconfirm email content
Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) Requirements - What Should Be In Your Request:
- A clear description of your purpose in messaging the customer - The email's subject line "confirm/reconfirm your subscription" clearly describes your purpose.
- Description of the messages you're sending - The email content should include the type of messages you plan to send to customers. "Marketing communications" encompasses many types of email.
- Your name and contact information- This info is found in the email sender settings.
- A statement that the recipient may unsubscribe at any time - Both emails specifically state this and an unsubscribe link can be found in the email footer settings.
Important Note: Additional information may be added to the content as long as it includes the requirements listed above.